Thursday, February 18, 2010


In this post, I decided to recommend an amazing graphic novel, so that is exactly what I'm going to do.

( The Watchmen )

You have all probably all heard of this novel(of the graphic variety)and have probably been recommended by a friend to read it... well, whoever that may have been, is right. Watchmen was written by the legendary Allan Moore, who was responsible for the classic V for Vendetta, and The League of Extrordinary Gentleman, in The Watchmen, in an alternate 1940's-80's superheroes(although powerless for the most part) practically won the Viatnam war for the US. The Comic was based around "The Red Scare", a point in the Cold war when the world was certain Armageddon was inevitable. You can pick it up at most book stores, but if you are in the GTA, you can guarantee Chapters will carry it, go get it!

I will soon find some hidden treasures, and some literary classics, so...