Friday, February 19, 2010


Hello everyone, I've recently acquired a new, much better background, and for those who don't know how to get their own, listen. First, you have to open up layout, then go to "Edit HTML", delete everything in the box already, and then you need to find a good site to get a background from, for more complicated designs, go to Pyzam, the list of categories are already up on the link.

Simply choose your background, then click on "get code", copy and paste into the now empty box. If you experience some type of advertising on the top of the blog, not to worry, simply look through the HTML code on the "Edit HTML" tab on layout, you will soon see the advertising remove the advertising and then update(you're done!).

If you find the background blank, you may have to find a different code(Background), because the code is wrong somewhere. If you want something more simple, go here. If I am wrong somewhere, or if a link is broken, please comment, so I can edit the post. So...