Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hello everyone, this post is about pinhole photography, last year we went downtown to create a pinhole camera, take pictures, then develop them, we had a lot of fun and got a load of great pictures.

The basic works of a camera are the shutter, the photo paper, and the container. this is what makes pinhole cameras so flexible, you can build a pinhole camera out of almost anything.

El Anatsui (II) =P

Hello all, as some of you may have noticed, on Feb. 19, I visited the ROM with 1 classmate, and another from a year above me. At this "workshop" we learned more about El Anatsui, his ever- changing mediums, and we got a better feel for his works.

At the workshop, we had one segment focusing on the technical "artistry" of Anatsui's "Found and made anew" medium. We created our own sculptures, using found objects around Toronto. (mainly plastic) Although we only had 20mins to finish, I think it was quite worthwhile.

The second part of the workshop was a drama exercise, probably to squeeze the creative juices out our heads.

Overall, it was an enjoyable experience, and I hope to do it again in May.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alternative Art

Hello all, I thought I should share some alternative art styles, wargaming specifically. Model painting may not be considered art to some people, but it requires skill, precision, and experience. In the end you will end up with something you are proud of. Below are some photos of my best models. Enjoy! =P

All pictures are of figures produced by GamesWorkshop ltd.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Hello everyone, I've recently acquired a new, much better background, and for those who don't know how to get their own, listen. First, you have to open up layout, then go to "Edit HTML", delete everything in the box already, and then you need to find a good site to get a background from, for more complicated designs, go to Pyzam, the list of categories are already up on the link.

Simply choose your background, then click on "get code", copy and paste into the now empty box. If you experience some type of advertising on the top of the blog, not to worry, simply look through the HTML code on the "Edit HTML" tab on layout, you will soon see the advertising remove the advertising and then update(you're done!).

If you find the background blank, you may have to find a different code(Background), because the code is wrong somewhere. If you want something more simple, go here. If I am wrong somewhere, or if a link is broken, please comment, so I can edit the post. So...


Thursday, February 18, 2010


In this post, I decided to recommend an amazing graphic novel, so that is exactly what I'm going to do.

( The Watchmen )

You have all probably all heard of this novel(of the graphic variety)and have probably been recommended by a friend to read it... well, whoever that may have been, is right. Watchmen was written by the legendary Allan Moore, who was responsible for the classic V for Vendetta, and The League of Extrordinary Gentleman, in The Watchmen, in an alternate 1940's-80's superheroes(although powerless for the most part) practically won the Viatnam war for the US. The Comic was based around "The Red Scare", a point in the Cold war when the world was certain Armageddon was inevitable. You can pick it up at most book stores, but if you are in the GTA, you can guarantee Chapters will carry it, go get it!

I will soon find some hidden treasures, and some literary classics, so...


Thursday, February 11, 2010


El Anatsui is currently regarded highly in the art world today, his pieces are related to African hardships, and the denial of metal as a useful and expressive medium. El Anatsui used aluminum liquor caps, to create massive murals/sculptures leaving the art world to marvel at his works. I personally respect his art style, and love what he has done with the Sculpture/metal working medium.

Sculptures done by El Anatsui

Although I do not like the sculptures he has done, but I love the murals/quilts that he has created using the bottle caps. It will be interesting to see what his next move will be, and I will make sure to see his exhibit at the R.O.M. in Toronto later this year.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So, I thought that I might as well upload one of my favourite drawings, Trip to the Moon, which was one of the first science fiction movie. Although very old and dated, and terrible special effects, it is a classic, and an imaginitive image.

FIRST POST (kinda)

OK, first post.... just to note, the title of the Blog is random, compiled of things I've seen and heard through the day, so just to say... this is a semi-art/semi-multi inerest blog.... I'll post soon.