Monday, January 9, 2012


Hello all! I'm back from the dead yet again. I'm here to show yet again another piece I have created for my CyberArts class; dubbed "composition 1SS." For class, we had to choose to either do a silhouette, a non-objective painting, or create art playing cards. Since I liked the idea of doing a painting, I chose to do the non-objective piece.

For my piece, I used acrylic on stretched and primed canvas. By definition, non-objective refers to an image without reference to reality, or if it is derived from reality, it must be unrecognizable as that object. The main objective of this piece was to derive from architecture in our neighbourhood, an interesting composition; While walking home one day, I found a pole, sticking to the side of a building, the area looked quite unkept, and the pole rusted underneath the thin coat of white paint; neglected and decaying. I found this very interesting, and I came up with a way to incorporate it; a diagonal composition, and a repeated pattern.

I am particularly happy with how the off white balanced with the rest of the colours and shades in the piece, particularly working well with the black, while the flat background worked to contrast the texture, without creating too much juxtaposition.

Although I do think planning is very important, I am more of a fluid artist; ideas come to me halfway through a project, and I incorporate them. This is one of the projects that that way of thinking has helped me out the most, I was able to create quite an interesting composition, texture, and visual approach, and is probably the only piece that I am truly happy with, and I would not change it for the world.